Board of directors

Bengt Julander
Born 1953. Chairman since 1991.
Independent in relation to Linc/ major shareholders: No/No
Bengt is a pharmacist, M. Sc. at Uppsala University.
Other assignments:
Chairman of Knil AB, Cronhamn Invest AB, Livland Skog AB, Part Production Sweden AB and Reison Medical AB. Board member and deputy board member in small subisidiaries of the above companies or small family owned companies.
Previous positions (past five years): Chairman of the Board of Calliditas Therapeutics AB (publ), Stille AB (publ) and MedCap AB (publ) and board member of Sedana Medical AB (publ), Medivir AB (publ) and the Eriksberg Clinic.
Shareholding in Linc AB:
33 121 195 shares.

Anders Hansen
Born 1974. Board member since 2020.
Independent in relation to Linc/ major shareholders: Yes/Yes
MD and MSc Finance, Stockholm School of Economics.
Other assignments:
Specialist in psychiatry, Sofiahemmet Hospital. Board member of Gram Medicin AB.
Shareholding in Linc AB:
300 000 shares.

Ulrika Dellby
Born 1966. Board member since 2020.
Independent in relation to Linc/ major shareholders: Yes/Yes
MSc Finance, Stockholm School of Economics
Other assignments:
Chairman Fasadgruppen Group AB, vice chairman of BICO AB and board member Lifco AB, Elanders AB, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern AB, Werksta Nordic AB and member of the Business Executives Council of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).
Previous positions (past five years): Board member of Fasadgruppen Invest AB, SJ AB, Kavli Holding AS, Cybercom Group AB, Cybercom Holding AB, Norrporten AB / Fastighets-aktiebolaget Norrporten, Hagströmska Holding AB / Hagströmska Gymnasiet AB, Big Bag Group AB and Zifro AB.
Shareholding in Linc AB:
200 000 shares.

Marianne Dicander Alexandersson
Born 1959. Board member since 2020.
Independent in relation to Linc/ major shareholders: Yes/Yes
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg.
Other assignments:
Chairman MDA Management AB, Sahlgrenska Science Park, Saminvest AB and Occlutech Holding AG. Board member Oblique Therapeutics AB and Council of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and chairman of R2B Research to Business with IVA’s 100 list.
Previous positions (past five years): Board member of Promore AB, Recipharm AB, Camurus AB, Enzymatica AB, Praktikertjänst AB, Skandias fullmäktige, West Atlantic AB, Castellum AB, Mölnlycke Health Care AB.
Shareholding in Linc AB: 100 000 shares.